Spring Break! 8 Great Podcasts to Entertain (and Educate) Your Family
Next week Villa di Maria is on Spring Break! For some of us that means catching up on projects around the house and for others that means hitting the road. Whatever your plans, we hope you have some time to relax and have fun as a family. And we've got some great podcast recommendations to help!There are so many great kid-friendly podcasts out there—smart, funny, entertaining and great for grown-ups too. The list below is in alphabetical order, and we've included a few key words at the beginning of the description for quick reference. Enjoy!
Brains On. Science, humor, conversational. This is a great podcast full of information. The topics are driven by questions from children and range anywhere from "Why do dogs howl?" to "Why are some things considered gross?" The answers come from experts from all over the world. It is a truly fun way to learn.
Buttons & Figs. Love of words, kid-powered, creativity. This podcast is pure nonsense, in the best way. In the tradition of Lewis Carroll or Shel Silverstein, kids work with the host to play with words and the rules of language to create smart and playful stories, poems and songs. This is the most fun and silly way to encourage a true love of language and expression.
But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids. Kids' questions about any and every topic. Each episode answers several questions (on the same theme) submitted by kids. The topics range from small to big, easy to complicated. The answers are given straightforwardly and with honesty.
Eleanor Amplified. Fiction, adventure, powerful girls. In the style of old-time radio shows, this is a radio adventure show complete with fun character voices and sound effects. Eleanor is a world-famous radio reporter after her big story. She outsmarts bad guys and travels around the globe, into space and out to sea, all while staying true to the values of honest journalism.
Ear Snacks. Science, art, music, fun. Children's music duo Andrew & Polly tackle all kinds of topics—from pajamas to rain, clocks to the Census. The pair talk about the topic with each other, experts and kids, all with original songs (many of them ear-worms) as the soundtrack. This podcast is informative and super fun to listen to, especially for young children.
The Past and the Curious. History, storytelling, humor. This podcast brings history alive with deep-dives into big and small stories in history. The episodes cover everything you can think of and may things you might never have thought of—spies, basketball, The Pony Express, olden-days underwear. There's a great score too!
Smash Boom Best. Debate, humor. From the same folks that do "Brains On," this podcast showcases debates in fun and informative ways. Two guests (usually adults) debate topics like "unicorns vs. dragons" or "super-strength vs. super-speed." Each debate is judged by a kid based on genuine debate-judging criteria. It is great fun to listen to and you'll learn something new in each episode.
The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel. Fiction, mystery, slightly spooky. Best for older kids. This is a scripted, serial podcast, professionally produced and performed by kids. Mars Patel's friends are missing and his search for them leads him into mystery and danger. The story is fully engaging, the performers are fantastic and the music is incredible It is a great podcast.