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We are VdM: The Schroeder Family

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We are VdM: The Schroeder Family

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we'll meet Faith, Tim and Ethan Schroeder. The Schroeders joined VdM last year, and Ethan is currently a second-year student in Ms. Sarah's Lower Elementary.

Villa di Maria: Tell us a bit about you and your family.

The Schroeders: It’s the old city-girl-meets-country-guy, fall in love, get married tale! Tim grew up in Perryville, MO and Faith is from Chicago. Each of us lived in many different places before we met and married, much later in life. Our faith is the focus of our lives and sparks our volunteering, serving and some of our traveling. We have two cats and Faith likes to rescue cats that she comes across, finding them new homes. Tim is our chief gardener with a large and prolific 3-season vegetable garden in our backyard. Our son Ethan is a study in contrasts: both autonomous and wants to be with people all the time, friendly and shy, leader and follower, active and bored, joyful and complaining, and always talking. Right now he is taking volleyball lessons, loves reading Calvin & Hobbes and Peanuts comics, playing video games, and as a family we are watching old episodes of Green Acres.

VdM: What do you and your spouse do, career-wise?

The Schroeders: Tim is a product design engineer at Husky Corporation where he improves fuel nozzles, and Faith is an art director in a local company’s marketing department.

VdM: How did you find Montessori and what brought you to VdM?

The Schroeders: When we were looking at daycares, we came across a Montessori daycare and really liked it. So from 3 months old, Ethan has been in a Montessori environment, continuing through daycare into preschool and kindergarten. We chose Villa di Maria for its commitment to the Montessori philosophy, the warm and caring staff, and its wonderful open space.

VdM: What is something your family plans to do this summer?

The Schroeders: We have been planning this summer’s vacation for a while! In July we are going to Orlando for a week and a half. First, we will attend our church’s international conference where we will be learning, worshipping, and getting to see a lot of friends. Afterwards, Faith’s side of the family will join us from Chicago for several days at Disney World. We have been there before when Ethan was much younger; this time he is looking forward to riding roller coasters with Tim, while Faith is hoping he will ride Haunted Mansion with her!

VdM - A question specifically for Ethan: What has been your favorite work in Lower Elementary so far?

The Schroeders: Ethan didn't want to answer this question when asked. But he talks a lot about his math lessons, how he is moving up in Table A, Table B, C, etc. And he takes pride in his cursive writing!

Thank you, Faith, Tim and Ethan for giving us a glimpse into your life and for being a part of the VdM community!Uncredited photos courtesy of the Schroeder family.
