Young Children's Community
Our YCC program is full and thriving! We are only able to offer wait pool spots for the 2024-2025 school year. We are accepting inquiries and applications for the 2025-2026 school year and beyond. Children must be between 14 months and 2 years of age to begin enrollment in YCC. Complete this form to get in touch.
The Young Children’s Community (YCC) is an authentic Montessori environment dedicated to nurturing children under the age of three in a loving and gentle atmosphere. It is at this young age that children develop the core of their personalities, as well as language, motor skills, social skills and values. The YCC embraces each young child’s natural curiosity of the world to foster and encourage an inner drive for independence as they progress along this development.
The YCC serves children ages 14 months to 3 years in a lovely indoor/outdoor classroom environment thoughtfully prepared for young children with furnishings appropriate for their size and learning materials that are accessible, attractive, and safe.
The YCC is year-round, Monday through Friday. Partial week enrollment is not offered. The program includes community snack, outdoor time, community lunch, and afternoon nap in the environment. All food served to the children is prepared in the environment, meets the nutritional needs of the children. Food allergies among the community are taken into account.
Our curriculum recognizes that young children learn by doing, and YCC children are encouraged to work within the environment independently. Over the course of the program, children are offered a continuum of lessons and activities that meet their needs for variety and challenge them as they grow and learn. During their time in the YCC, children will develop their language, speech, and fine- and gross-motor skills. They will learn and practice positive socialization. And they will develop and practice control over their bodies as they are encouraged to dress, eat, and use the toilet independently.
Upon completion of the YCC program, at around 3 years of age, and at the discretion of the Guide, children move up to our Children’s House program.
The YCC is year-round, Monday through Friday. Partial week enrollment is not offered. Program selection is made at the time of enrollment.
All Day Program – 8:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
Morning Work Cycle Community Snack Outdoor Time Community Lunch Nap
Early Care: Children can be dropped off as early as 7:30 a.m. with an additional fee.
Late Stay: Children can be picked up as late as 5:30 p.m. with an additional fee.
How do I enroll my child in the YCC?
If your child is under 2 years of age, please send us an inquiry using this form and someone from our Admissions Office will contact you very soon.
How old should my child be to start enrollment in the YCC?
A child must be between 14 months and 24 months old to begin their YCC enrollment. The ideal age to start in the YCC is around 14 months, after a child has been walking for a little while. The program does not serve children under 14 months old.
Should I send snacks or lunch with my child?
We have a lunch program in the YCC, so no need to pack snacks or lunch! All food served in the YCC is prepared in the environment and meets the nutritional needs of the children. Any food allergies in the community are accounted for in the menu.
Should I send a bottle or pacifier with my child?
We ask that bottles and pacifiers, if you use them, please stay at home. Part of the work children do in the YCC is learn to eat and drink independently, use plates, flatware, and drinking cups. And because language development is a crucial part of the work these young children do each day, pacifiers should be left at home.
Can my child wear diapers to the YCC?
One of the things each YCC child works on while they are here is toilet independence. We expect children who start in the program to be wearing pull-up diapers. Each child will have several pairs of “training” underpants as well as several changes of clothing kept here to use as they gradually learn to use the toilet independently.
To request more information about the YCC program, please complete this inquiry form and someone from our Admissions Office will contact you very soon.