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Getting Ready for the Winter Concert in Lower Elementary

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Getting Ready for the Winter Concert in Lower Elementary

Last week we took a peek into the Children's House as they practiced their songs for the Winter Concert. We are less than a week away from the concert, and the excitement (and rehearsal schedule) is ramping up! 

The Lower Elementary children have also been hard at work on their part of the program. As a group they will sing three songs on the theme of friendship and cooperation: "You’ve Got a Friend in Me" by Randy Newman, "I’d Do Anything" adapted from the musical Oliver! and "Lean on Me" by Bill Withers.

Several Lower Elementary students have also chosen to do solo or small-group acts: songs, poems, stories and musical performances. Some of these works are originals, written by the children themselves, including (but certainly not limited too) songs "So Many Countries, States and Cities" and "Beyblade Infinity Burst;" stories "The Man and the Dog" and "The Leprechaun and the Rainbow," and a poem entitled "New York City Rhythm."

We cannot wait to see and hear the fruits of Lower Elementary's hard work at the Winter Concert this weekend!