The Fund for Villa di Maria

Throughout our 50+ years, Villa di Maria has relied on the continued support of our community to close the gap between our tuition income and our operating costs. The generosity of our families, staff and trustees has been astounding—it has allowed us to maintain and update our original buildings; to add a new, beautiful building to accommodate our growing population; to maintain and improve our outdoor spaces with a new pavilion, garden and playground; and to prepare for the next phase of construction. We have been able to enhance our core offerings by adding a reading specialist to the team and to enrich the Upper Elementary experience with additional faculty members. In short, we could not have become the school we are today without our community's continued financial support.

As 2019 comes to an end, we kindly ask that you make as generous a contribution as you can to The Fund for Villa di Maria. This fundraising effort is vital to our school and our community. Without your gifts, we would not be able to continue to take on the challenge of providing a world-class, authentic Montessori experience while keeping tuition relatively low. Our mission is to meet the academic and social needs of your children in the very best environments with the very best people. Your contributions to the Fund are unrestricted and directly support our day-to-day operations so that we can continue to outfit our classrooms with purposeful, quality, enriching materials and provide ongoing professional development opportunities for the entire VdM team.
Villa di Maria wouldn’t be where it is today, or where it will be tomorrow, without you. Thank you for all that you do to make the children’s VdM experience exceptional. We are truly grateful for you.