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The Littlest Cheese-Cutter

DSC_0348It's amazing what little ones can do when given the chance. Villa di Maria's Parent/Child course provides the youngest children with the opportunity to learn how to prepare and serve snacks for the group. Check out the tiniest, most motivated (and absolutely adorable) child as she learns to use a cheese cutter with the help of Guide Cab Yau, below. DSC_0328DSC_0331First, we must set the table! Above, an 18-month-old child begins by finding the elastic corners sewn into the underside of the tablecloth. She then works to attach the tablecloth to each table corner before setting out plates for her friends at snack time.DSC_0332Sewn-on place settings help young children remember where everything goes. Cab hand-sewed these beautiful place settings!DSC_0333Next, Cab demonstrates how the cheese cutter works while the child watches intently.DSC_0342She is eager to try it herself. (If you are interested in a similar cheese slicer, check here)DSC_0344DSC_0350It takes a lot of practice, but she's getting the hang of it!DSC_0357DSC_0361DSC_0364

Success! Look at the smile of satisfaction on her face!

DSC_0367Next, she carries the cheese slices to the table to share with her friends.DSC_0384DSC_0392Incredible, and what a sense of satisfaction she had! Read more about Villa di Maria's Parent/Child course for children ages 8 weeks to 2 years, here and here, and for more information on the next session, please contact Carrie Tallon, Villa di Maria's Director of Education (