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Famous People Who Attended Montessori: Julia Child


photo credit: Smithsonian Magazine

Continuing on our foray into the wonderful people who were influenced by their Montessori education (and because today is International Pi Day - really, who better to represent pie/pi than the queen of butter?), today we feature Julia Child: American chef, author, and television personality, perhaps best known for her show The French Chef, which premiered in 1963. Child attributed her Montessori education with creating her lifelong love of discovery and mastery. 


photo credit: LA Times

Perhaps as well-known for her fantastic sense of humor as for her cooking skills, Julia Child was, in true Montessori fashion, a lifelong learner. Said Russ Parsons of the Los Angeles Times, "Everyone has been talking about how Julia Child taught America to cook. But that was not the greatest of her gifts. For those who had the privilege of knowing Julia, her life was a grand lesson in how to live."

In Julia Child's words she advised to “learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all have fun!”