The Pink Tower
The Pink Tower is one of the most iconic Montessori lessons, and one of the more recognizable materials for those just entering the Montessori environment. Like the Geometric Solids, the Pink Tower material is eye-catching and beautiful. There is so much more than meets the eye with this lesson. Find out more below.
For the very youngest children in the Montessori classroom, the Pink Tower provides visual and muscular perception of dimension, which leads to an abstract understanding of size. The child begins with a work mat, which she places on the floor to delineate her work space and boundaries.
Transporting each piece of the Pink Tower requires attention to grasping each cube: in doing so, the child experiences the object by touch as well as by sight. The Guide demonstrates, with purpose and attention, how to lift the object: with fingers and thumb on each of the four sides of the cube before lifting it, then placing the other hand below.
The Guide shows the child to build from the largest cube, on up to the smallest, by stacking in this order, taking care to move slowly and deliberately.
Once the Guide has built the Pink Tower, she asks the child to walk around it, to observe its size, its structure, and its height in relation to the child. Next, she must close her eyes while the Guide disassembles the tower.
Now, it is the child's turn to try.
The first time a child attempts the Pink Tower, she will likely make many errors. Here, the child self-corrected several times as she noticed the sizes of the cubes. There is so much going on during this simple-looking lesson: coordination of movement, perfection of hand movements, preparation for mathematics, observation of size in the environment, and even self-assessment and correction!
After many tries, this child got the bottom three just right!
She did her very best, and even walked around the Tower once she was finished. The Guide was sitting nearby, so as not to hover over the child while she worked. Afterwards, she stepped back in to ask if the child wanted to do it again... and she did!Thank you, Reghan, for demonstrating another wonderful lesson!