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A Peek into P1

Blog (for editing)

A Peek into P1

DSC_0216Welcome back! We hope your Thanksgiving break was full of all sorts of warm fuzzies - from delicious food to plenty of rest and relaxation and family time. Be sure to check out the Elementary celebration that took place the Friday before Thanksgiving. Here are some more warm and wonderful feelings - from our Children's House, Primary 1 classroom. Enjoy!DSC_0049DSC_0037

Design work with Metal Insets


Siblings work side by side


On the lookout for friends during the early morning drop-off


The coatroom is quite crowded in the morning while children hang up their coats, sweaters, jackets, and other personal items


A child covers her eyes during the pink tower lesson


Early morning folding - and a bit of a disagreement


Manipulating nuts and bolts is wonderful for fine motor skills!


Working on the loom


Object box


Making tea for a guest in the room


Can you believe we're already in our last week of November? We hope you have a lovely day!