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Primary Tour: P3's New Space

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Primary Tour: P3's New Space

DSC_0048Heather Steinman, Directress of Primary 3 class here at Villa, has rolled with so many punches over the past year: taking up temporary residence in a doublewide trailer that served as her classroom for the 2016-2017 school year (and no, she did not live there, but with the amount of time these dedicated Guides and Assistants commit to leading children and their parents down the path of Montessori, she may as well have), going through a personal family move over the summer, parenting teenagers alongside a toddler, and moving her classroom into a new space for this school year. Through all of this, Heather has remained good-natured and has kept her sense of humor. She and Assistant Karolina Hanus put together a lovely Primary space in what used to be Megan Eilers' Lower Elementary classroom. Check out the beautiful, light-filled space below. DSC_0084DSC_0080DSC_0086"We are still adapting to the space," Heather admits, "but so far it's been great." Heather shares that all the natural light that streams through the windows, particularly in the morning, makes the space extra special. She has filled the space with plants, softening the open spaces and making it a calm, inviting place to work.DSC_0095DSC_0090DSC_0071

On this particular visit, the curtains above were softly blowing in the breeze, as both doors remained open to let fresh air flow through the space

DSC_0075DSC_0063DSC_0098DSC_0101DSC_0060DSC_0061DSC_0056DSC_0054"It's not as organized as it should be," Heather shared, "because we still have a lot of children still learning to clean up. But we're getting there!" As it was only halfway through the second week of school when these photos were taken, I'd say they're doing great!DSC_0103

Every corner is thoughtfully prepared and a feast for the eyes!

DSC_0078DSC_0106Thank you, Heather, for inviting us into your new classroom. You have done a wonderful job, and we know the children are enjoying their new space!