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Don't Miss it! Why the Children's House Parent Education Night Matters

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Don't Miss it! Why the Children's House Parent Education Night Matters

DSC_0011This Wednesday evening marks the first of many Parent Education nights for the Children's House (all three of our Primary classrooms). If you are a parent of a current primary VdM child, you should't miss this! Here's why.All Children’s House parents should have received an email regarding this week’s talks directly from the Directress leading their Parent-Ed group. Please be sure to check your inboxes, mark your calendars and plan to attend—the Directresses are going to share some pretty fantastic information. Mrs. Steinman will present “Bringing Montessori Home;” Mrs. McAuley will present “Function of Words: Grammar Comes to Life;” and Ms. Braud will present “The Path to Reading.”Although this is a time to get to know other parents, to check out your child's classroom a bit, and to have an opportunity to speak with your child's Guide directly, the number one reason to attend these Parent Education nights is that it can help your child by educating you further in the Montessori method.In Head of School Laura Ceretti-Michelman's words: "Once a parent begins to understand the Montessori theory and approach, they become more conscious in their support of their child's development in a manner consistent with the approach.  That consistency is ideal for the child."Please check your email and make attending Children's House Parent Education Night a priority. We hope to see you there!