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Jam Buns: A Summer Baking Adventure

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Jam Buns: A Summer Baking Adventure

IMG_8728With summer in full swing, the students and staff at Villa di Maria are up to all sorts of adventures! We're peeking in on some of our families to see what they've been up to. Today, Upper Elementary Directress Rebecca Callander shares what her son Winston has been up to (hint: it involves sticky fingers and small victories).IMG_8701Rebecca is full of good ideas, like the violet jelly she encouraged her students to make earlier this spring! Her son Winston has clearly inherited the make-it gene. He came up with the idea for jam buns and planned, prepped, and executed most of the task on his own!IMG_8740He made good use of his family's raspberry-blackberry jam (homemade, of course).IMG_8705The recipe came from Julia Turshen's cookbook, Small Victories. Look at these beautiful photos from the book!IMG_8731IMG_8732

The book also includes many variations of the jam bun, including cinnamon rolls, garlic buns, herb-goat cheese buns, monkey bread, salami bread, or buttery dinner rolls. Are you hungry yet?

The finished product:FullSizeRender (13)

Amazing job, Winston! They look delicious!

IMG_8741IMG_8742You can listen to an interview with author Julia Turshen, who talks about taking some of the stress out of home cooking, here on NPR. Thank you, Rebecca and Winston, for sharing a piece of your summer with us!