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Spring Concert 2017

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Spring Concert 2017

DSC_0078This year's Spring Concert was a fantastic production! Every year, parents are treated to songs, dance, music, and drama from the smallest children on up to the sixth-year graduating class. It is always such a treat, and this production was no exception. DSC_0055The Primary students gathered with their specific classes just before the show, all dressed up in their finest spring attire!DSC_0036DSC_0024The Lower and Upper Elementary children and staff met in separate classrooms to prepare for their performances. Here, the Lower Elementary children put on costumes chosen by the "costume crew" in the weeks leading up to the show. All preparations, including set design, costumes, dialogue, music, (and in the case of the Upper Elementary, lyric research and memorization and dance choreography) was conducted from start to finish by the students themselves.DSC_0030DSC_0005DSC_0006DSC_0009DSC_0015

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Waiting so very patiently!

DSC_0082The Extended Day Primary students started the show with the Proclaimers' 500 Miles; Count on Me, by Bruno Mars; and The Way I Am, by Ingrid Michaelson. The rest of Primary joined in to sing This is My School, What's a Friend For?, Simple Gifts, Everyone Makes Mistakes, It's a Small World, and I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing. Nathan Jatcko accompanied the children on piano.DSC_0090

A necessary piece of keeping it all together? The Directresses and Guides on the sidelines, who deserve a big round of applause for their behind-the-scenes work on helping the children memorize all the lyrics to these songs!

Next up, the Lower Elementary, who put on a play about the Titanic, which covered class differences, dancing, a bit of history, and plenty of humor (also, dancing! There was dancing!):

DSC_0184DSC_0185DSC_0186DSC_0194DSC_0201And last but not least, the Upper Elementary, who presented on the graduating class, adding personal touches for each of the nine graduates:DSC_0215DSC_0224DSC_0226DSC_0229Some of the sixth-years got the audience moving (and laughing) with their rendition of Weird Al Yankovic's "Word Crimes," a parody of the 2013 single "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke. The song spoofs misuse of proper English grammar and usage.DSC_0236DSC_0244The Upper Elementary also performed Medley of Farmer Refuted and You'll be Back, I've Been Everywhere, and Four Chords. Luke, Ben, Seth, Matthew, Liam, Daisy, Dominic, Emily, Marguerite, and Bella also did percussion throughout the performances, while Ben also did bass; Kamryn, Cameron, Katelyn, Elle, and Chase played piano; Joe and Ella played guitar; Klaus, Julia, and Kaylee played violin; and Lia played flute. What a musical group of kids!DSC_0265DSC_0282DSC_0292The whole show was a memorable, fantastic, tear-jerker of a night. Thank you to all the students and staff who made it all come together!