Mrs. Maria Burr's Creation: The Bambini Guide
"This is the bright new hope for mankind."
-Maria Montessori
From Mrs. Maria Burr:I had an incredible Montessori-filled summer as I began Montessori Assistants to Infancy training (0 to 3 years)! It has been a life-changing, transformative experience! Throughout training, I felt compelled to find a way to bring Montessori to more and more families right from the beginning of life, so I began a new project: The Bambini Guide.It is our mission to bring Montessori to families of all income levels from the beginning of life. The earliest days, months and years of the child's life are the most critical and influential times throughout the whole development of the child. It is the foundation upon which everything is laid. When the child is stimulated and offered the opportunity to develop to the fullest, the child is satisfied, concentrated, and calm, growing up to be a joyful, productive, peaceful, contributing member of society. It is our mission to educate for a peaceful, harmonious world.The bambini guide will be offering Prenatal Education, Montessori Parent-Infant Classes, Home Consultations, and more!
The first Prenatal education session will be held at the Montessori Training Center of St. Louis, starting September 6. You can sign up here. These educational sessions are designed for expectant parents and parents of newborns. We will discuss topics such as how to prepare the home, the development of language, the development of movement and ways in which you can support your child in the tremendous growth that occurs from birth to age 3.The first Parent-Infant Session will be held at the Montessori Training Center of St. Louis, beginning Saturday, October 1. You can sign up here. During Parent-Infant classes, you and your child will have the opportunity to work within the Montessori Prepared Environment, which is specially designed for infants from 3 to 12 months. During each session, Maria will work with each parent and child, giving developmentally appropriate guidance, answering any questions, and providing recommendations as to how to best meet the developmental needs of your child at home.
Throughout training, we spent time making beautiful Montessori Mobiles. Some of my favorites are pictured below!
The bell on a ribbon (offered around 3 to 4 months) is one of my absolute favorite Montessori Mobiles. Remarkably simple, it offers the child tactile, visual and auditory experiences, and it is one of the first mobiles where the child begins to experience cause and effect. The bell on a ribbon improves hand-eye coordination as the child has the opportunity to grasp the bell while tracking with her eyes.
The Octahedron Mobile aids in the development of the visual sense, through visual focusing and tracking and is offered to the child around 2 months of age. At this time, the child is beginning to see color, so we offer primary colors in metallic paper, attracting the child to the contrasts of light and dark.