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Blog (for editing)

The Milos Family, Makin' the Most of Missouri

From Mrs. Robyn Milos, Director of Education:The Milos Gang is becoming quite good at two day trips, so kicked off our summer with a two-day journey to Springfield, Missouri to go through Fantastic Caverns. Did you know the first explorers to have gone inside to explore the Cave were 12 WOMEN?! Awesome! We experienced complete darkness in the cave!  Breathtaking! In July, we jumped in our car to go to Kansas City and spent two days at Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun. Ollie rode his first roller coaster.  He loved it SO much that we rode it three times in a row, followed by 15 more as the day went on. Seth and Ollie are huge fans of the thrill rides! Seth and I even braved the 89 foot tethered free-fall at 80 miles an hour on the Ripcord! (Wish I had a pic, it was in the dark!)Mrs. Milos and Seth right in front! Mrs. Milos and Seth right in front! Rockin' Roller Coaster Rider, Ollie! Rockin' Roller Coaster Rider, Ollie!