A Renewed Mission
We are so excited to revive our blog this year, as we claw our way out of COVID survival mode. My name is Sarah Moscicke, and many of you may know me as a Villa di Maria guide. I worked for the last two years as the guide in the Racks and Tubes Lower Elementary Classroom and am excited to now begin contributing to VdM’s blog, as I also care for my two young boys at home.
Throughout the pandemic, the work of the child has not stopped and VdM has continued to be committed to our mission:
“We support each child to develop academic excellence and the ability to embrace and respond to the challenges of today’s world with innovation, compassion, determination, grace, and kindness.”
The challenges of our world today and over the past two years are significant, but the VdM community of guides, assistants, parents, and children has met these challenges with determination, innovation, and kindness. We see the qualities of our mission statement evidenced in the children each day in the classroom and in the incredible support of our families. I’m so excited to share the beautiful moments from our community with you through the stories in this blog. We hope they inspire you with the optimism of the Montessori philosophy, offer hope for the present moment, and invite you to enter into the family that is Villa di Maria and the wider Montessori community.
As Dr. Montessori said, “the child is both a hope and a promise for the future.” May the pages of this blog continue to manifest and celebrate this ideal!