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Black History Month 2020 - Events for the Week of February 24

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Black History Month 2020 - Events for the Week of February 24

I swear to the Lord I still can’t see why democracy means everybody but me.Langston Hughes

Each February we pay tribute to the generations of African Americans who've suffered, struggled and fought for the right to become citizens and to be treated humanely and fairly in the United States. This year also marks the 150th anniversary of the ratification of Fifteenth Amendment, which gave African American men the right to vote in 1870. While the right itself has at times not been enough to truly allow African Americans their voices, the ratification is a true and profound achievement.Throughout February, those of us in the St. Louis region have many opportunities to recognize, honor and celebrate the achievements of African Americans who've played central roles in U.S. history with events at libraries, museums and other venues. Below is a list of events for the final week in February.

Coming up this week, February 24 - 29

And finally, St. Louisans have access any time of the year to the following museums and historical places to learn more about African American History: