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We are VdM: Sarah Moscicke

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We are VdM: Sarah Moscicke

The very best part of Villa di Maria is our people. Our community of families, faculty and staff is something to be proud of. In this series, We are VdM, we’ll highlight the energies, talents, humor and wisdom of some of our amazing people. Today, we’ll meet Sarah Moscicke, guide in the Lower Elementary Racks & Tubes classroom. Sarah joined Villa di Maria at the beginning of this school year, having returned to her hometown of St. Louis after serving as an elementary guide for three years in Milwaukee. She holds a BA in communication and theater from Wheaton College, an AMI diploma at the elementary level and a MA in education from Loyola University Maryland. Sarah brings her background in theater and music to her dramatic storytelling and inspiring lessons in the classroom. She enjoys discovering each child's unique gifts and assisting them toward the development of their full potential.

Ms. Sarah is nice and she gives good lessons and challenging work (which I like!) I like it how she lets us have multiple turns doing a work, like each person gets a turn at the experiment.Third-year Racks & Tubes Lower Elementary student

Villa di Maria: How did you first find Montessori?Sarah: I never thought I wanted to be a teacher, until I discovered the Montessori approach. I stumbled upon Montessori because I needed a job and loved working with children. I worked for a year as an assistant in an elementary community and fell in love with the method. I took the elementary training the next year and have been teaching ever since.VdM: What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?Sarah: Sleep in, drink coffee in bed, and hang out with my husband and baby.VdM: What was your favorite book when you were a child... and why?Sarah: When I was a kid, I loved reading mystery series, like Nancy Drew or The Three Investigators, even though they would keep me up at night with fear.VdM: What did you want to be when you grew up?Sarah: One of the things I wanted to be when I grew up was a ballerina. I was infatuated with The Nutcracker and would put on my own performance in my living room.VdM: What is your favorite quote/moment so far from/with one of your students?Sarah: "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you look like Ms. Bro," from a first year in my classroom.
 Sarah brings calm, poise and warmth to Villa di Maria. Welcome, Sarah—we are so happy you’re here!Photo credit: Melinda Smith