Parent-Child Course
It has been two and a half years since Guide Cab Yau first introduced her Parent-Child Course in the Villa di Maria fireplace room, and we are happy to report the next session is starting next week! Parents and caregivers around St. Louis bring their very young children (eight weeks to two years old) to Cab's course once or twice per week during the morning hours. The course offers a nurturing environment prepared especially to support their early development in movement and language.
As their children explore, parents and caregivers freely discuss their questions or concerns with Cab and each other. They learn how to foster independence in their children and how to model behaviors and language and how to implement Montessori principles in the home. And they have an opportunity to connect with a community of other parents and caregivers.
Yes, the environment is set up for the children, but it's also set up for the adults in their lives. Adults are given the chance to observe, reflect, ask questions and fundamentally enter into more conscientious parenting. Parenting is no small feat, and it is best done in community.Cab Yau
If you would like to join this session of our Parent-Child Class, please visit this website to complete an application. We hope to see you there!