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And We're Back!

Blog (for editing)

And We're Back!

Happy November! The VdM blog has been on a little hiatus, but we are back and ready to talk about all the wonderful things happening in the VdM community. My name is Hilary Lord, and most of you know me as the registrar and business manager. I am also a long-time VdM parent, a former Montessori child and have worked as a writer and editor. Most importantly, I love Villa di Maria—we all do!—and I am excited to share more of it with you.While the blog was resting these past couple of months, VdM has been going strong! We’ve been busy with lessons, songs, dish days and hot lunches, Open House, MMUN preparations, the Boo Fest redo, Halloween parties and historical figure reports, parent-guide conferences, several goings out in the elementary, a few birthday celebrations and a couple of campouts.If you ask the children, I’d imagine they’d say their favorite new thing of 2019-2020 is the playground—and it is pretty great! But I’d say the best part of 2019-2020 so far is the people. This school year, we’ve welcomed 19 new families and 16 new siblings of current families into our community.Our campus is alive with the enthusiasm and joy these children bring each and every day. From the Detective Adjective Game and caring for the classroom pets to mastering all nine grammar boxes and growing new friendships, the work our children do on this campus is big and important. It is an honor to witness it and to share it with you. Stay tuned—there’s so much great stuff to come!