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Circus Night!

Blog (for editing)

Circus Night!

Screen Free Week brought one of Villa di Maria's favorite community gatherings - Circus Night!The weather was just warm enough to enjoy snow cones - yay!Getting into the circus state of mind with red noses!We were joined by some seriously skilled face painters!And, a perennial favorite, balloon animals (and other creations!). This year Circus Night fell on the same day as Give STL day, and we celebrated reaching (and surpassing!) our goal by ... giving our esteemed Head of School a pie in the face! She came prepared (read: she knew we'd knock this day of giving out of the park!) and took it like a champ. Circus performers entranced their audience - laughter, giggles, and joy ensued! Perhaps the best part of the night was just hanging out with friends and enjoying our beautiful campus on a perfect night!   The joy of Circus Night was captured brilliantly by the one and only Melinda Smith. Thank you Melinda!