Thank you, Ms. Brea!
This week has brought the return of our beloved Ms. Megan! The children are delighted to have her back, and are at the same time missing Ms. Brea who seamlessly stepped in while Ms. Megan was away.Subbing is never easy work, and Ms. Brea did it with aplomb. She worked closely with Ms. Megan. This ensured a smooth transition for the children as well as keeping a conscientious teacher at ease.
Ms. Brea fit in with the staff, helped with "outside of the school day" events, brought dance to our Elementary children and was (of course!) beloved by the Checkerboard children in particular. She is observant - so important for a Montessori teacher! - and insightful. She gave lessons, sparked research and deftly guided the social work in the Checkerboard classroom.
There is much to be said for the Guide and Assistant relationship which supports the work of the entire classroom. Ms. Brea and Ms. Sophie worked together brilliantly. Thank you, Brea for coming to St. Louis to be with us. You have made our - and in particular, our children's - year richer by your presence. We sincerely hope that your path crosses with Villa di Maria's again in the future!Here's a peek at Checkerboard students working on a thank you project for Ms. Brea!
Ms. Brea, you will be missed!Melinda, thanks to you for these beautiful pictures highlighting Ms. Brea's role in our Elementary environment!