The Sheldon...
As the Children's House Extended Day children prepare for an upcoming trip to the Sheldon, let's look back at the adventure they had with the Elementary children last November when they went to Drums and Dances of Africa with Diadie Bathily and Afriky Lolo. The program sought to introduce students to "the sounds and movements of West Africa, with music and dance that celebrate history, nature and community."The children were of course prepared for the experience. Elementary students had lessons on the featured choreographer and his dance team as well as working on rhythm and mapping the countries of Western Africa. Upper Elementary students shared their work by helping to prepare the Children's Houses for the experience.
The younger children were then invited to a sensorial experience of the drums at hand!
The bus trip is admittedly always a highlight of these adventures.
The performance itself received rave reviews from children and adults alike!
Children and adults from each class were invited to join the group on stage to learn a dance.
What a morning for our Extended Day children!
While Extended Day children boarded buses back to school, the Elementary children continued their adventure with a trip to Ikea for lunch! This was a real Practical Life work - managing money, choosing items, navigating the cafeteria and of course eating with friends!
Melinda Smith shared the joy of the day with us through her photographs. Thank you Melinda!