A Peek at Parent-Child Class...
Take a peek at Villa di Maria's Parent-Child class. This environment is set up to meet the needs of children aged 8-weeks to 2+years. Similar to a 3-year-old walking into the Children's House, a young child enters and knows that this space is theirs.In addition to all of the water work, the older children particularly enjoy our communal snack. Preparing food, setting the table, eating - they love it all.
As glorious as these pictures are, they tell only half the story. The other half is made up of parents, nannies and grandparents coming together to build a community that supports them. Yes, the environment is set up for the children, but it's also set up for the adults in their lives. Adults are given the chance to observe, reflect, ask questions and fundamentally enter into more conscientious parenting. Parenting is no small feat, and it is best done in community.If you're interested in joining our community, the next block of classes begins the first week of November. You are also welcome to join our Parent-Child Open House at the end of October. Email caroliney@villadimaria.org to find out more about classes or Open House.Many thanks to the parents of my class for sharing their pictures - special thanks to Ming Lee, Samantha Clarke and Rebecca and Jordan Lev.