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Lower Elementary Overnight...

Blog (for editing)

Lower Elementary Overnight...

After weeks of thoughtful planning, last weekend the night finally arrived for the Lower Elementary Overnight.The planning work for this event cannot be understated. The children took on every aspect of preparation. Based on self-identified interests, they were divided into committees: Communications, Games, Breakfast, Campfire, Music, Story Telling, Tent Assembly and Random Tent Distribution.From Lower Elementary Guide Ms. Megan's description of committee meetings, it's easy to see how many social (read: life!) skills the children gain from this experience.  She shares, "If you were to sit and observe a committee meeting, you would see charts, maps, surveys and graphs. You would not only hear the children's thoughts and ideas, but persuasive arguments, disputes, negotiations and compromises. You would get a sense of how deeply responsible the children feel about their individual tasks and how eager they are to contribute to their small society. Watching the community come together through this activity is inspiring!"

Thank you Melinda for the photos!