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Every Kid in a Park

arches_420020With spring right around the corner, we're hoping you and your families are finding the motivation to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors! For those of you with fourth-years, it's time to take advantage of Every Kid in a Park, which provides all fourth graders and their families an annual pass for free admission to the country's national parks, forests, monuments, and wildlife refuges! Find out more below. yellowstone-wyoming

Yellowstone National Park: Wyoming

Every Kid in a Park is an initiative started by former President Barack Obama in 2015 to encourage children to visit US National Parks, public lands, and waters. There are so many important reasons to get your child involved in the great outdoors, including benefits for our children’s brains, their developing eye sight, their development of empathy, their sense of self, their emotional well-being, even their creativity.p03xcq2j

Mese Verde National Park: Colorado


Petrified Forest National Park: Arizona

To get started, visit Every Kid in a Park with your fourth-year child, and engage in the interactive site. Afterwards, print out your free pass (which only requires your zip code, and go explore!1512c733-fb36-4be2-be1d-352f507aa1f6-banner

Yosemite National Park: California

For a small list of great hikes near St. Louis, be sure to check out this blog post from just last year. But with spring break right around the corner, be sure to check out some National Parks a bit farther away, and save some money while you're at it. After all, there are 59 National Parks in the United States!Grand-Canyon-National-Park-Arizona

Grand Canyon National Park: Arizona


Glacier National Park: Montana

Thank you to Lower Elementary Guide Anna Schwind for bringing Every Kid in a Park to our attention!