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Archery on Valentine's Day!

DSC_0070Last week, the Checkerboard classroom in Lower Elementary took Valentine's Day to the next level, conjuring Greek Mythology's Cupid (Eros) and his famous arrow, which struck Apollo so that he fell in love with Daphne... who was struck by a leaden arrow and so was repulsed by Apollo... and so on. But really, we think it may have just been a clever excuse to get outside on an abnormally warm February afternoon and shoot some targets. Can you blame them?DSC_0058After a short presentation by the planning committee of two, during which the rules and safety guidelines were read and reread, the children headed out with paper hearts and a whole lot of excitement to the archery range on the far east side of Villa di Maria's campus.DSC_0076DSC_0077Guide Megan Eilers walked the children through the process, beginning with how to hold the bow, where to stand (and where not to stand), and how to hold the arrow. Many of the children had already done archery in Camp Pegnita, but for some, this was an exciting first!DSC_0086DSC_0098DSC_0102Two by two, the archers took turns shooting their arrows.DSC_0103DSC_0105DSC_0124DSC_0128DSC_0131DSC_0132DSC_0135Not bad shots!DSC_0142

This one looks a bit like Cupid!

DSC_0147DSC_0162DSC_0150We're looking forward to more beautiful weather around the corner, and were grateful for this taste of spring!