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Valentine's Day Celebrations at Villa di Maria!

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Valentine's Day Celebrations at Villa di Maria!

DSC_0112While each of the classrooms celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday (and we'll feature a couple of the special events from the Elementary soon), the Children's House classrooms really went all out! Enjoy lots and lots of photos below. DSC_0007P3 began the celebration by reading Pete the Cat: Valentine's Day is Cool, by James and Kimberly Dean. Reading is a big deal in Montessori, and Valentine's Day is no exception! Plus, it tends to help children transition between a work cycle and a different activity- in this case, a celebration!DSC_0010DSC_0011Children brought homemade Valentine's boxes to collect special messages from their friends. Every year we are so impressed by the creative energy the children put into making their boxes!DSC_0017DSC_0018DSC_0026P1 enjoyed special treats, including fruit kabobs, trail mix, and a couple of sweet treats!DSC_0030DSC_0045DSC_0054DSC_0064P3 had grapes, heart-shaped rice crispy treats, and chocolate covered strawberries.DSC_0071DSC_0074DSC_0080DSC_0091DSC_0123In P2, the children were in charge of putting together and serving the plates, including heart-shaped cheese slices, heart-shaped cherry tomatoes, chocolate-covered strawberries, and grapes.DSC_0131DSC_0150DSC_0154DSC_0157DSC_0160DSC_0171DSC_0186DSC_0194Class pets Frida and Rosa were the stars of the show in P1, making their appearance on special Valentine's Day cards handed out to each child by the Guide and Assistant.DSC_0196Each child took turns passing out their special notes to their friends. These children are so good at waiting... must be something about Montessori!DSC_0201DSC_0202... And of course, the best part: checking out all the cards and treats from friends! It was a great day at Villa di Maria.DSC_0209DSC_0211We hope you enjoy your long weekend, and Happy belated Valentine's Day from all of us at Villa di Maria!