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The Role of Artwork in the Montessori Classroom

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The Role of Artwork in the Montessori Classroom

DSC_0158Artwork in the Montessori classroom serves many functions, from the Children's House all the way up through Upper Elementary! Get a glimpse into the role artwork plays at Villa di Maria below. DSC_0049Art is everywhere in the Montessori classroom. In the Children's House, the materials themselves are reminiscent of famous works; note the similarities between the Trinomial Cube work (above) and Dutch painter Piet Mondrian’s abstract painting Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow (1930):img (1)There are pictures of famous artworks hanging at children's eye level on the walls in every level of Montessori classroom here at Villa di Maria. Seeing and recognizing these works is considered part of the experience of appreciating and learning about arts and culture. In fact, Dr. Montessori encouraged parents and Guides to expose children to fine art from birth by hanging such works at eye level where a baby/toddler could clearly see them.DSC_0015In the Children's House, art is very much tied with the typical Montessori goals: to help a child increase dexterity, concentration, fine motor skills, hand and finger strength, and coordination. The artwork here is more about the process than the resulting piece of art, and a child may feel no connection to the final piece of art. This is okay and very normal! The goal here is a child's focus, not a frame-worthy product (though we won't fault you if you do want to display the finished products), and the child may work at a faster, less careful pace, especially at first. After all, the child works not to develop a product, but to develop a self.DSC_0078DSC_0195There is also plenty of creative energy involved in a child engaging in art. One child may choose to paint first thing in the morning as a way to ease into the day, while another may use the opportunity for self-expression to harness her creative energy for the day! Making art is a wonderful way for a young child to express feelings for which he may not yet have words.DSC_0065DSC_0049

When using metal insets, children explore outline and color

DSC_0138Once a child grows into the Lower Elementary environment, the role of artwork tends to shift. Though it is still an essential piece of self-expression, and still serves to direct coordination and concentration, the Lower Elementary child begins to care more about the product, creating art for the satisfaction of a final masterpiece.IMG_7978With this shift also comes the realization that art is a skill that requires practice and repetition, and that with practice comes improvement and immense satisfaction.DSC_0058DSC_0036DSC_0016

Lower Elementary children take pride in their finished works during last year's Every Child is an Artist art exhibit at Reese Gallery


The walls in the Upper Elementary classroom are full of art - both of their own creation, and of famous photographers and painters

DSC_0100The Upper Elementary experience is a more intensive one, with art exploration and creation being more intentional, more intense, and more all-encompassing. In the Upper Elementary, art often intersects with history, culture, science, anatomy, race, class and other big issues. Upper El children learn to ask big questions and tie art with the broader world.DSC_0129

Lower and Upper Elementary children produce artwork during their cultural exploration and celebration of Diwali


Children experience a preview of South African artist Mohau Modisakeng's exhibit

IMG_9803Upper Elementary Guide Rebecca Callendar shares the comprehensive role art plays in the Montessori classroom: "All subject areas are presented with equal importance and therefore are of equal value to the child.  This allows the child to use art to explore math or math to explore art. Further, the material allows for deepened exploration across the years in school at Villa di Maria." Above, a child explores the anatomy of her own hand through some pretty impressive art produced with a simple ink pen!   DSC_0008Upper Elementary artwork is also often a result of a broader need. Above, a child works on a costume piece for the winter concert. Below, children take photographs for last year's art exhibit.DSC_0022Art plays a huge role in children's experience here at Villa di Maria. We are always excited to see what is around the corner!Further reading on Montessori art at Villa di Maria:Read more about creating a Montessori art space at home hereView the Upper Elementary's experience talking with South African artist Mohau Modisakeng about his exhibit hereExplore the benefits of handwork for children here.Clay work with local St. Louis artist Ruth Reese. A giant mandala on school grounds! Upper Elementary photo hike