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Lunchtime in the Children's House, Part II

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Lunchtime in the Children's House, Part II

DSC_0081Lunchtime in the Children's House is a much-anticipated time of day. Its traditions anchor the children in routine, while also giving them ample opportunity to assert their independence, practice grace and courtesy, and socialize with their friends. Take a peek inside our P2 classroom during their lunchtime, below. DSC_0067The children set the tables in advance with placemats, cloth napkins, spoons, forks (and sometimes knives), plates, and name cards at tables situated around the room. Some of the tables face large windows, of which the children are suddenly calmed and mesmerized by the views of a winter landscape.DSC_0058DSC_0089Once the children are seated with their lunch boxes ready, Directress Jessie Braud signals everyone with a short song, "Love in my Family" by Raffi. They join in enthusiastically.DSC_0091DSC_0075DSC_0102The end of the song signals the beginning of lunch. Children prepare their own foods. Above, a child empties macaroni onto a plate. Below, he carries it to the microwave to be heated up.DSC_0108DSC_0111This daily routine is as Montessori as it gets; children take ownership of their needs, do the work it takes to feed oneself, and take pride in that work. The preparing, the serving, the carrying, the pouring, the balance of it all is a practice in patience with one's self. It is in these simple acts that a child learns that he can depend on himself. It is also a good reminder to us adults to slow down. Mealtime is a time to enjoy friends and family, a welcome break in the middle of the day.DSC_0117“Under the urge of nature and according to the laws of development... the child is obliged to be serious about two fundamental things … the first is the love of activity… The second fundamental thing is independence.”  - Maria Montessori, What You Should Know About Your ChildDSC_0123DSC_0128For more on this topic, read Lunchtime in the Children's House, Part I.