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Family Campout 2017

Blog (for editing)

Family Campout 2017

DSC_0027Happy October! We have had such an eventful September, it's hard to believe it's already over. This coming month will be just as full of social gatherings, including our Elementary overnight, Open Houses, Parent Conferences, VdM's parent event: the Hoedown, and an all-time favorite, which will be back on campus: BooFest - whew! Get those calendars ready! Be sure to check your email for these main events, and enjoy the photos from our most recent family event: the family campout. DSC_0045Villa di Maria families enjoyed a low-key (unseasonably warm, but beautiful) evening camping out on the school grounds. The bravest families set up tents and stayed overnight, while plenty of others joined friends for campfire chats, s'mores, and dark woods exploration before heading home to sleep in their own beds.DSC_0017DSC_0012It was a great opportunity to meet some new families and some adorable little siblings!DSC_0021DSC_0023DSC_0031DSC_0046DSC_0050DSC_0056DSC_0061The children thoroughly enjoyed running around in the dark, eating sticky treats, and learning about fire safety! Have a lovely Monday.