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Who We Are: Cortney & Patrick Kelley

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Who We Are: Cortney & Patrick Kelley

IMG_6800 (1)As part of a series we’re calling Who We Are, we’re working to build and connect our community by interviewing the talented, dynamic parents and staff who make up the people of Villa di Maria. Today, we meet Cortney and Patrick Kelley, and their three children: Clayton, Anna Rose, and Kevin. Below, they share their introduction to Montessori (hint: it has to do with our very own word of mouth). Enjoy!IMG_0975Villa di Maria: Tell us a bit about your family.Cortney Kelley: We are originally from Cleveland but moved to St. Louis 11 years ago because of Patrick’s work. We have 3 children. Our oldest is Clayton, who is 9 years old, and he just started in Racks and Tubes.  This is his first experience with Montessori.  Clayton is a compassionate, sweet and caring boy. He is always honest and fair, not a rule breaker. He loves to ride his bike and play sports and rap (yes, rap)!Anna Rose will be 7 in October and is in the Checkerboard classroom.  She is full of zest, curiosity, and love.  Although it may give her bruises and 3 layers of stitches, nothing holds her back.  She is a nurturer, loves all things and is willing to try anything at least once.  This summer she has loved fishing.  Anna Rose attended VdM for a 1.5 years in P3.Our youngest is Kevin who turned 4 in April and just started in P1.  This is also his first experience with Montessori.  He enjoys nature too.  He is a master in Uno, War, and is about there in chess (that Knight is a tough one to grasp.VdM: Can you tell us about your background and education?CK:  Patrick graduated with a finance degree from Ohio University and works for a local investment firm.  I graduated from John Carroll University with a business degree, although I was originally a Biology major (I changed that mid freshman year after I had a 7:00am bio lab). Currently, I stay at home, sometimes wishing I was in a biology lab!VdM: Do you have any hobbies? How do you and your family enjoy spending your spare time?CK: In our time off from work (excluding children) this is probably what we enjoy most: each other's company, games, and nature.  And when were together as a family, well, we enjoy the same!IMG_1016VdM: How were you introduced to Montessori?CK: We were introduced to Villa di Maria by the Matlocks.  Sean and Patrick work together and at a Christmas party Jamie and I got to talking about school and education.  She told me about Villa di Maria and we loved it.  This year we wanted all of our children to be at the same school so we are back.VdM: What are you looking forward to most this school year?CK: We look forward to getting to know the families of VdM.  We are super excited to fully embrace the culture and philosophy that that sets VdM apart from other schools.IMG_0909 (1)Thank you, Cortney and Patrick, for sharing this bit of your life with us. We are so glad to have you back! Welcome to Clayton and Kevin, and welcome back, Anna Rose!