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September at Villa di Maria

Blog (for editing)

September at Villa di Maria

DSC_0123September at Villa di Maria is one of the most beautiful months! The campus is a gorgeous mix of color. Everything is still green and lush, with the first autumn colors sneaking through; along with the colorful blooms planted last spring that are nearing their end and the abundance of butterflies that visit them, the hawks that frequent the campus, and the beautiful weather we've experienced, September is shaping up to be a real beauty. See what the children at Villa di Maria have been up to below. DSC_0083DSC_0081

We've found the first fall colors!


It's unanimous; working outdoors is the best!


Upper Elementary Guide Rebecca Callander and her students take advantage of the beautiful weather during an inspirational writing assignment


Wildflowers bloom just beyond the playing fields


The first pumpkins are tucked in all around campus


Elementary children enjoy a pick-up soccer game during recess





Operations Coordinator Jeremy Lang lets his trusty pal Hank tag along, much to the children's delight, which is good practice for exciting things to come...


Primary children enjoy the outdoor prepared environment every morning



Hard at work in the woods at every opportunity


The trailhead to the woods, a favorite place for Elementary children during their recess time


Butterflies and pumpkins!


Primary children test the laws of physics (in a clown-car sort of way)!

DSC_0104DSC_0184DSC_0257DSC_0261We hope you are enjoying this lovely month!