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Back to School Family Swim: 2017

Blog (for editing)

Back to School Family Swim: 2017

DSC_0151Happy first day of school from all of us at Villa di Maria! We are thrilled to have the campus bustling with eager young minds ready to work and grow together. This past Friday, we celebrated the start of the new school year with a VdM tradition: the back to school family swim and snow cone party. Check out all the fun below!DSC_0160DSC_0097DSC_0101DSC_0094Some new families met some returning families, some children reunited with old friends, and all enjoyed Murray's shaved ice on the house. The newness of much of the campus was a source of conversation throughout the night; it just looks so great!DSC_0092DSC_0133DSC_0114The sheer amount of green space for the children to run and play is hard to capture in photos. Children got together for ultimate frisbee on the far east side of campus, where the playing field borders the woods. Other children forged the old trail through the woods once more, while running, chasing, and hiding from friends who can now circle the Elementary building and wind their way between young trees that are becoming well established since being planted last spring. The children were absolutely giddy with glee at their new space!DSC_0119DSC_0132DSC_0140The evening was beautiful and unseasonably cool, but that didn't stop most of the children from taking a swim!DSC_0141DSC_0155DSC_0154DSC_0159DSC_0176

Family photo op!

DSC_0157DSC_0147DSC_0144As the evening wore on, children explored their beloved trees under the moon...DSC_0165DSC_0180... while old friends reconnected and talked about all the exciting changes to come.DSC_0209DSC_0225DSC_0218We were even treated to the first signs of autumn: our very own pumpkin patch, planted on Earth Day last April, which now reveals many colorful gourds to be harvested in a couple months.DSC_0210DSC_0223DSC_0227Let us not overlook all the hard work the Directresses and Assistants have done to get their classrooms ready for today; the whole school campus looks absolutely charming and inviting, both inside and out. Stay tuned for some photos from the first days of school later this week!Be sure to check the blog frequently. Now that school is back in session, we'll be posting four days a week again, including parenting pieces, general updates on VdM and Montessori lessons, kid-friendly recipes, interviews with staff and parents, book recommendations, and more!