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Camp Pegnita: Banzai!

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Camp Pegnita: Banzai!

DSC_0134Camp Pegnita is officially over for the summer, with many VdM students extending their summer camp experience throught Camp Lite for the remaining weeks. But we couldn't let another day go by without highlighting Camp Pegnita's main event: Banzai! Banzai (or what's known at Camp Pegnita as Bonsai) celebrates the oldest running camp tradition, and refers to the traditional Japanese toast wishing 10,000 years of life and happiness. By far the favorite and most popular of Camp Pegnita's events, children from the community and school often sign up just for this one day. It's certainly a fun (and messy) one, and this year was no exception!DSC_0010DSC_0009DSC_0006The big event starts in the afternoon, mostly to keep all sorts of food out of the swimming pool! Children gather around the Magic Circle, where they are directed to close their eyes while camp counselors hide all around Villa's campus. The object of the game: to find and collect all seven colors of rubber bands from the various hidden counselors, all while avoiding getting hit with a sock full of flour by the "Temple Guards," five of the fastest, scariest, rowdiest counselors who chase the squealing children.DSC_0022DSC_0029Once children have been tagged, they must head back to the Magic Circle, where all sorts of goodies are poured onto their heads, backs, and shoulders.DSC_0036DSC_0039As you can imagine, many of these treats must be sampled!DSC_0046DSC_0050DSC_0054DSC_0059DSC_0118DSC_0102DSC_0082DSC_0096DSC_0071DSC_0130Once a child has found all seven hidden counselors and each corresponding rubber band, he or she reports to the Camp Director (our very own Megan Eilers) to receive the last clue. Whoever finds the hidden flag first wins Banzai!Somewhere along the way, children are hosed off, which is a big part of the fun:DSC_0150DSC_0170DSC_0154DSC_0183DSC_0195DSC_0204DSC_0208DSC_0240DSC_0237DSC_0244The whole campus smelled like the inside of an ice cream shop by the end of the hour!DSC_0257DSC_0251

Above: the hidden flag...


... found after many attempts, by a determined and driven former Villa student! Congratulations, Beacan!

DSC_0274DSC_0290DSC_0287And thank you to all the counselors, the runners and the pourers, the hiders and the planners. Without you, none of this would be possible!DSC_0294... and thank you to the trusty megaphone, of course! Until next summer!