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Graduate Highlight: Bethany

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Graduate Highlight: Bethany


I am like a painting.
Each stage of my life
Is another streak of
Paint on a canvas.
Read more of sixth-year graduate Bethany's heartfelt speech below!

Every step of the way, my canvas has become more and more full and filled with details.  I have always been drawn to art because of how creative and expressive it can be, and Villa has allowed me to be the same way.
I had been pretty stressed out in a public school kindergarten with the bell noises and the drama.  So, when I first came to Villa in first grade, it was life changing.  That is the first dot of vibrant paint on my blank canvas.  In Lower El, I would hug Mrs. Lebeau and Mrs. Nidhi every morning before I dived into my day.  My Lower El experience was like how an artist struggles to figure out what they are going to compose, as in I had lots of arguments with my friends about silly things, so in third grade, I really had to figure out the balance of friendship, especially when Mrs. Lebeau would constantly say, “Cheese and crackers, Bethany!”
Like an artist, I have always been drawn to beauty, and there is lots of it in Montessori materials.  All the colors and shapes, I think that they have lead me to understand what I am learning and has fueled my love for learning.  Artists need to use quality materials and Montessori has given me that quality.
Upper Elmenetary is where you learn to be independent and try new things.  In Upper El is also where you get to do many things that you never thought you could do like the MMUN.  Just as artists must push themselves, take risks and put in hard work in their art, I had to learn to research, edit and speak before a crowd.  Upper El is all the paint, colors, and art put together to form a picture.
I would like to thank Mrs. Rebecca for teaching so many lessons and helping me through the way.  And I would like to thank Mrs. Anderson for a great year, helping us with the MMUN and anything related with computers.  Don’t think that I forgot you, Mr. Justin!  You have dealt with us the whole year—that’s a big deal, and for making anything and everything positive and always finding lots of solutions for the class if there is a problem.  And to my parents, I thank you for helping me through the way and enrolling me here.  All of these people are the details and touch ups to my painting, making it what it is.
I know that my painting is not finished yet, but I am sure that it will grow into a masterpiece.  Next year means a new me, new school new world—middle school!  Ms. Rebecca, you have prepared me well, but I guess it is time to move on, to a far away land called MAP.
Thank you.
Thank you, Bethany! We can't wait to hear all about your time at MAP. Good luck!