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Field Day 2017

Blog (for editing)

Field Day 2017

DSC_0364The morning after Villa di Maria's spectacular Spring Concert, the tired but happy staff, students, and parent volunteers gathered at Kirkwood Middle School's lush green fields to partake in our annual Field Day celebration. The weather could not have been more beautiful! Get ready for lots of photos of all the fun below!DSC_0461

School spirit at its finest


Half the gang...


... and the other half!


In the week leading up to Field Day, the Directresses, Guides, and students all worked to create their own team t-shirts in cheerfully bright team colors. They were proud to show off their hard work!

DSC_0016Villa's Field Day is only possible with the help of many parent volunteers, who took time off of work and busy schedules to run various stations and keep the games running smoothly. Above, the blue team (from Primary) listens to instructions on how to soak a sponge, run it to a bucket, and fill the bucket with rung-out water, relay-style.DSC_0028DSC_0031DSC_0032

Patiently waiting their turns

DSC_0155DSC_0148There was Giant Jenga, an outdoor favorite that makes its appearance at many Villa di Maria events. Part of the fun is the danger in that tall tower toppling over! Don't worry; these kids are fast!DSC_0139DSC_0053There were events to make kids dizzy...DSC_0071DSC_0499DSC_0440DSC_0431... and others to get them wet, perfect for a hot day!DSC_0124IMG_2187

Flag Tag

DSC_0556DSC_0539And of course, there was plenty of goofing around!DSC_0454

Future VdM-er, taking notes and looking adorable, as always

DSC_0486One of the favorite stations was the water balloon launch, where children sent water balloons soaring into the outstretched hands of their peers!DSC_0501DSC_0477

Ready to catch


The parents took turns, too!

DSC_0227DSC_0219DSC_0211DSC_0569DSC_0568DSC_0532But perhaps the overall favorite, where the most laughter was heard, was tug-of-war:DSC_0529DSC_0446DSC_0196DSC_0198DSC_0182DSC_0191DSC_0177DSC_0181DSC_0170DSC_0175Thank you, Villa di Maria parent volunteers and staff, for an amazing last day of school, and thank you to all the dads who fed these hungry mouths at the Dad's BBQ at VdM afterward! We hope you are enjoying your summer!