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Squirt Guns

DSC_0079Mr. Leo, the PE teacher at Villa di Maria, sure knows how to get these kids moving! A favorite activity during the warmer days has been squirt gun tag, which really speaks for itself...DSC_0016DSC_0023Half of the PE class runs to hide, while the other half fills up their squirt guns.DSC_0025DSC_0026Then, the countdown begins!DSC_0038

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! THREE! TWO! ONE!"

DSC_0042And they're off!DSC_0064DSC_0065After everyone has been found (and squirted), they switch sides.DSC_0069DSC_0084DSC_0071I can imagine we will all be playing some form of this game when the summer months are here! Thanks for the great ideas, Mr. Leo!