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Happy Thanksgiving from Villa di Maria!

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Happy Thanksgiving from Villa di Maria!

img (37)Yesterday, the entire Lower Elementary building was filled with the delicious smells of Thanksgiving foods — baked apples, all kinds of biscuits and breads, warm potatoes, peas with onions, and even turkey, ham, and gravy (warmed up, but still!). There is something so comforting about smelling good things baking. Add that to the happy, thankful community feeling in the classrooms, and it was quite a special day.   Ms. Sophie so patiently guided two children through the long process of making apple dumplings to share with one classroom, while the other classroom prepared a feast for their classmates. Four of the third-year students took it upon themselves to organize. They formed a committee, encouraged children to sign up and bring in different dishes, and executed the whole thing without a hitch. It was really impressive to watch them negotiate, work through so many different issues and steps along the way, and finally pull together the lunchtime feast.They moved tables around a bit before deciding on the best way to present the food.  They moved tables around a bit before deciding on the best way to present the food.Many children lingered as the food was slowly brought out — it all looked so tempting! Many children lingered as the food was slowly brought out — it all looked so tempting!While the four children were working to pull together the main event, Ms. Schwind played several rounds of "21 Questions" with the rest of the class. Their deductive reasoning skills are so impressive!In case you were wondering, the answer to the round above was the South Asian country of Bhutan, which Ms. Schwind pointed out is the happiest country in Asia, and one of the happiest countries in the world. And I believe the children guessed correctly, but it took them all 21 questions to get there!The children who put on this feast not only set it up and organized, but also served every one of their classmates before serving themselves. They thought of everything, even putting numbers on or near each food item recommending the quantity each person should take so there would be enough for everyone.And they had plenty! Below, some of the very full plates:There was plenty of ham... There was plenty of ham...We are so thankful for Villa di Maria! The people who make this place what it is, the hard work they put into each day, the patience, empathy, and love they show our children — it is all part of what makes this place so special. Our hearts are full. Happy Thanksgiving, both to and from Villa!