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1280 Simmons Avenue
Kirkwood, MO, 63122
United States

(314) 822-2601

Blog (for editing)

Our New Spirit Wear Store!

BEST NEWS IN ALL THE LAND!  We now have an official online Villa di Maria Spirit Store where you can order all your quality VdM t-shirts, hoodies, caps and more!A Rah!  Rah!  Shish!  Boom!  Bah! to that!The offerings and color schemes will change seasonally with more long sleeved tees, hoodies and jammie pants in the mix for fall and winter; more short sleeved tees, tanks and caps in the spring.Each time VdM offers new "wares," you will have a month to place orders online.Two weeks after the deadline, your purchases will be ready for pick up at school.  Super convenient!Ready to check out our FALL BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPIRIT STORE and ORDER VDM GEAR FOR THE FAMILY?!  CLICK RIGHT HERE:  The deadline for this order is Friday, September 16th!