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Meet Mrs. Danielle Cavalari

Mrs. Danielle (Dani) Cavalari started working at Villa di Maria last school year in our late stay program and was beloved by all!  She will thankfully be continuing on this coming school year as our Late Stay Lead as well as our afternoon floater.  (We will have a morning floater as well...stay tuned for her introduction soon!).Our floaters help in many arenas- administrative support, substituting in classrooms, obtaining supplies for the entire school...  Whatever the tasks of the day may be, they're ready and willing to lend a hand!1.  Describe your educational background and career path thus far.I graduated with a degree in environmental science. I was fascinated by all I learned in college, but I ended up working in non-profit organizations and learned a lot about myself and really liked working in the community. I started at Villa di Maria in October of last year, and now I'm attending the AMI Montessori training.2.  How/when did you become interested in Montessori education?My first contact with Montessori was at Villa di Maria. After observing in the Primary and Elementary classrooms, I fell in love and started my Montessori Primary Training this summer. The more I learn about it, the more interested I become. It’s a beautiful, respectful way of education, and I wish I had had the opportunity to receive a Montessori education myself.3.  What are you most looking forward to this coming school year?I'm looking forward to observing in classrooms as well as practicing what I've learned so far!4.  What three adjectives best describe you?EnthusiasticHappyAffectionate5.  Describe your family-I'm from Brazil, São Paulo, a huge city that makes Los Angeles feel small. I'm the only girl of three children, and I'm very close to my brothers.  My mom lives in Florianopolis, one of my favorite places in the world.  I miss my family a lot!Here in St. Louis, I live with my husband and my dog (an eighty pound pitbull mix). I’ve lived here for 2.5 years and love the city.  It is calm and relaxing compared to São Paulo with tons of green areas and fun activities.6. If you were to plan a most perfect, relaxing weekend day, what would it entail?The most perfect weekend day would start with a good breakfast and a long walk in the park with my dog.  Then I’d cook a nice lunch, do Capoeira Roda (a Brazilian form of martial arts with roots from Africa) in the afternoon, gather some friends for a picnic in the sunset and watch a nice movie at night. Wait a minute…that is pretty much what I do every weekend!  Lol!Your favorites:- ice cream flavor: cookies-n-cream- color: orange- season: summer- book: The Little Prince (cliché, I know, but I love it)- holiday: Christmas in Brazil; Thanksgiving in the U.S.- movie: How to Train Your Dragon (I have fond memories of this one)- hobby: cook- song: Here Comes the Sun (Beatles)- restaurant in St. Louis: Pura Vegan- vacation: beach- sport: Capoeira- game: Uno- fruit: all of them, the more the better.- vegetable: zucchiniIf you had to choose ONE:- summer or winter? summer- New York or California? California- cook or dine out? cook- morning or night? morning- plane or train? train- library or bookstore? library- talk or listen? listen- call or text? text- warm or cool? warm- save or spend? save- coffee or tea? coffeeAnything else you'd like to add? I love to dance.