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Working the Bi-s and Tri-s

The Montessori Binomial Cube and the Trinomial Cube.  Let's start with the "Bi-s."When the Binomial Cube material is introduced in the Children's House, it's presented as a sensorial three-dimensional puzzle, focusing on patterns and relationships.  It lays the foundation for cubing later on in the Montessori Elementary experience.  The formula for (a+b) cubed is never discussed, pointed out or made reference to in the Primary environment, but the foundation is poured!The Binomial Cube in the Primary Classroom:The Binomial Cube in the Elementary Classroom, learning the algebraic expression and understanding what each cube and rectangular prism represents:The Trinomial Cube in the Children's House is again presented as a sensorial puzzle:The Trinomial Cube with expanded notation for (a + b + c) cubed for the Elementary student: