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Blog (for editing)

How's Your Summer So Far?

Jacob and Nathan, VdM Primary students Jacob and Nathan, VdM Primary studentsAs you've transitioned into your summer schedules, summer camps, summer vacations, summer reading, summer swimming, summer sleeping and summer FUN, we must inform you that we MISS YOU, VdM families!  IMMENSELY!PLEASE send us the scoop!  We would LOVE to hear about and would LOVE to share your summer goings-on with the rest of the Villa di Maria family to keep us all connected over the summer months!Similar to our spring break request, please email a few pictures to and let us know what you've been up to!  We'll post to the blog for the community share!Kicking it pool side?Playing cards on the patio after dark?Camping by the river?Devouring watermelon on a weekly basis?Visiting the library and reading up a storm?Beaching it on the coast?Enjoying all things Cardinals baseball?Chasing bubbles in the backyard?Darting in and out of the sprinkler?Creating?Playing?Exploring?Sporting?Whatever your family is enjoying, please fill us in!Many thanks!VdMThis series begins with the Smiths!Melinda said that they've been out and about, and the summer has been low key and enjoyable thus far.  Jacob and Nathan engage in water gun and hose battles daily (as seen in the first photo above) and also frequently walk to the FroYo nearby by their home.  Observing the removal of their driveway, building a catapult, catching bugs, diverting water with bricks, chasing ducks and caring for Olaf, the class hamster, have filled many of their days the past few weeks.

*SUMMER POST AGREEMENT:  The quality of the Smith family photos must not serve as any sort of deterrent for the rest of us.  (Smile.  Wink.)  Let us note, yet again, that this talented mom, Melinda, is a professional photographer.  Revel in the awesomeness, but let's agree that our own photos need not be this amazing in order to be blog-worthy.