Interviewed our rock star Director of Villa di Maria Montessori School, Mrs. Laura Ceretti-Michelman. Randomly. For kicks.Giving her minimal time to respond.Here's what she had to say: 1. If you were a famous athlete instead of a famous Director of a famous Montessori school, what would be your sport of choice? Volleyball (Have to say, didn't see that one coming. Apparently, little Laura packs a mean serve. Small but mighty, eh?)2. Your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? An apple coated with almond butter (Forgot to ask- crunchy or smooth?)3. Did you ever want to change your name when you were little? Julia4. What would your theme song be? Happy by Pharrell Williams5. Ideal vacation spot? Hawaii. Maui. Specifically Kaanapali (where LCM married JM)6. Do you speak another language? Nope7. What is your favorite thing to do by your lonesome? Go for a walk8. What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Go on vacation9. When you brought your first-born child to VdM at the ripe-old age of three, what surprised you the most? What impressed you the most? I was surprised by how drawn he was to the environment; Ben was comfortable enough to walk away from me, which was not typical of him at the time. What impressed me? The children. One of the older boys came over and asked Ben if he could show him the classroom pets. He was so kind and thoughtful.10. Name three of your all-time favorite books: The Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, The Corrections (Please note, it took a grand total of 13 seconds for this list to roll right off her tongue. Impressive, LCM. Impressive).11. All-time favorite movie? Good Will Hunting12. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people cut their fingernails around me... and when people chew with their mouths open... and any and all passive aggressive behavior and...and...and... (LCM has a lot peeves. Just sayin').13. Favorite color? Navy blue14. Best gift you ever received (besides your children)? The sweetest gift I ever received was given to me right after I graduated from law school. I had been worried about how I would spend time in the evenings when law school was complete and decided I would learn how to play the piano. Jeremy surprised me with a piano!FINALLY, share the first thought that comes to mind when you hear each word:Ben: LoveNatalie: Love
When asked to sketch how he visualizes his Mom, Ben created SUPER MOM, protector against all one-eyed monsters...and other scary things, of course.
VdM: Happiness
Summer: Sunshine and Happiness
Winter: Blah
Push ups: Painful
Music: Magical
Bacon: Delicious
Home: Happiest
Des Moines: Roots
Shopping: Real-life- dreadful; Online- sometimes fun
Fun: Our vacations in Seaside, Florida
UPS man: Husband anger
Metal insets: Coordination
Timeline of Life: Amazing
Bank Game: Genius
Don Cheagle (her beagle who bites people): Terrible but lovable
To conclude this post, the Villa di Maria audience is granted the privilege of viewing never-been-shared-before WEDDING PHOTOS! Can you stand it, folks?! A sneak peak into the life of your beloved Director. There you have it.